Amateur Radio
I was first licensed as ZR6PZ in 1979 and obtained my current call sign ZS6P in 1981.
Joined Tak Noord Transvaal of the South African Radio League in 1979 to become a member of the South African Radio League but later changed my allegiance to the Pretoria Branch of the SARL.
Served in various capacities in the Pretoria Branch of the SARL (now Pretoria Amateur Radio Club), including six years as chairman. I was awarded Honourary Life Membership
South African Radio League
Appointed as the SARL Awards Manager in 1997 and have facilitated a resurgence in interest in the SARL awards programme, including a major revamp of awards and contest rules around 2001. This revamp included harmonizing all contest and awards rules, as well as introducing a system of advanced Worked All ZS awards. I also strongly encouraged the establishment of the SA-QSL system by Richard Seddon ZS2CLI. The combined effect has been spectacular. In the 38 years to 1997, 183 Worked All ZS awards were issued, with only 30 certificates in the last two decades. After the revamp of the rules, more than 400 awards were issued within the next 15 years.
I have also spent several years as SARL Contest Manager. My tenure saw the introduction of computer-based checking, using statistical analysis to identify unverifiable and unsportsmanlike contacts.
Received the SARL’s Jack Twine Merit Award (2002), the Willy Wilson Gold Badge (2011) and Life Memberhip (2015).
American Radio Relay League
Became one of the first batch of DXCC card checkers appointed outside North America. DXCC is the world’s premier DX award, and is the prime benchmark by which DXing prowess is measured. My presence, along with the introduction of the Logbook of the World, has served to make DXCC participation much more accessible to South Africans. Having cards checked locally has not only significantly reduced the cost of DXCC participation, but has also removed the risks associated with sending treasured QSL cards overseas.
I am a keen DXer, and was only the second South African DXer with all 340 of the current DXCC entities confirmed on Phone when I achieved
#1 ARRL DXCC Honor Roll Status in 2009. I have also achieved DXCC on each of eight frequency bands.
I hold several SARL operating awards (AAA, WAZS, Top Band Certificate).